A Rehearsal Diary

Cast of Measure for MeasureMeasure for Measure

Claustrophobic. Film noir. Nightmare. Brooding. Sleazy. Hot. Steamy. Harsh. Dirt.

Some of the words used by director Paul Collins and his team while discussing their plans for The Questors Theatre production of Measure
for Measure, by William Shakespeare. This startlingly modern play about justice, government and destructive sexual passion comes to the Judi Dench Playhouse 4 - 12 November.

The Duke pretends to abandon his debauched city, allowing his deputy Angelo to impose a puritanical crackdown on sexual licence. Under his tyrannical regime, Claudio is condemned to death for getting his girlfriend, Juliet, pregnant. His virginal sister, Isabella, must plead for his life. But Angelo will only spare Claudio on condition that Isabella sacrifices her virginity to him. The disguised Duke intervenes…

Measure for Measure has it all: corrupt leaders, friars, a fool, a nun, and a brothel-keeper. Issues of morality, government and justice are just as relevant today as when the play was written.

Follow this rehearsal diary for regular updates from cast, crew and creatives as we travel from page… to stage!

One: Production Meeting
Two: Read Through
Three: Realising the Set
Four: The music of Measure for Measure

Measure for Measure
Judi Dench Playhouse
4 - 12 November
questors.org.uk | 0208 567 5184

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Little Theatre Guild Creative Ealing RSC New Stages