Lighting and Sound

The Lighting Designer liaises with the Director and Set Designer, and designs all the lighting effects for a production - so a high level of creative and technical skill is required for this. The Lighting Operator works closely with the Lighting Designer to program the lighting cues into the lighting desk, and then operates the desk during the dress rehearsals and performances. The Lighting Riggers hang and plug all the lanterns, during a few hours on the "get-in" on Sunday. (Average physical strength and a head for heights are required for this). Several are then required for the following few days, to focus and colour the lanterns.

The Sound Designer works closely with the Director, and designs and records the effects and music cues in our sound dubbing suite. The Sound Operator works with the Sound Designer to plot the sound cues, and then operates the playback machines and sound mixing desk during dress rehearsals and performances. The Sound Assistants run cabling and plug up loudspeakers during the "get-in" and "fit-up".

Please note that only Questors Members can be involved in our activities.
Click on this link to find out how to become a member of The Questors.

NEW SITE © copyright The Questors Ltd 2007-2020
The Questors Limited, a charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales no 469253. Registered charity no 207516.
Registered office: 12 Mattock Lane, London W5 5BQ.
Little Theatre Guild Creative Ealing RSC New Stages