Captioned Performances

As part of our mission to be more accessible, The Questors Theatre has become one of the first amateur theatres in the UK to invest in captioning. From March 2025 we will caption one performance of each of our 18 in-house shows per year.

Thanks to a grant by The Theatres Trust we have purchased in-house captioning equipment and performances will be captioned live by our volunteer community captioners.

What is captioning?

Captioning displays the spoken word as visible text to provide deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people with access to live performance. Similar to television subtitles, the script is displayed on an LED caption unit on or next to the stage, as the words are spoken or sung. Captions can also include the name of the character speaking and descriptions of any sound effects or music; and are used by anyone who may have difficulty hearing or understanding the audible elements of a live performance.

Upcoming Captioned Performances

Trojan Barbie by Christine Evans (21 to 29 March) - captioned performance on 27 March, 

The classic musical My Fair Lady (28 March to 5 April) - captioned performance on 3 April. 

Tickets can be purchased online by following the links above or by calling the Box Office on 020 567 0011 or emailing

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The Questors Limited, a charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales no 469253. Registered charity no 207516.
Registered office: 12 Mattock Lane, London W5 5BQ.
Little Theatre Guild Creative Ealing RSC New Stages