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Welcome to the 2023 LTG National Conference at The Questors Theatre. This year's theme is:


The conference theme will be explored through a range of workshops, and we look forward to sharing thoughts around strategic planning for our respective organisations.

On Friday 2 June join us for a welcoming supper in the upper foyer and Emmet Room followed by entertainment provided by our in-house laughter troupe The Slack Captains.

On Saturday 3 June you are invited to take a tour of The Questors Theatre and meet our members working in various production departments. You will then head into the Judi Dench Playhouse for a welcome before attending workshops aimed at inspiring debate and information sharing. After lunch in the Upper Foyer, the LTG Annual General Meeting and Open Forum discussion will take place. In the evening, supper will be followed by the opportunity to see Arcadia by Tom Stoppard.

On Sunday 4 June, tours of the theatre continue and delegates will then head into the Judi Dench Playhouse to hear a presentation from Nicky Allpress, currently directing at the Park Theatre and a former AD at Wokingham Theatre. We conclude with a closing presentation before delegates head home.

Your LTG Theatre rep for this year's conference is Anne Gilmour. She can be contacted on: secretary@littletheatreguild.org

We look forward to welcoming you to The Questors Theatre.
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The Questors Limited, a charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales no 469253. Registered charity no 207516.
Registered office: 12 Mattock Lane, London W5 5BQ.
Little Theatre Guild Creative Ealing RSC New Stages