Friday registration will be in the Lower foyer and supper will be in the Shaw Room while the evening entertainment will in the Emmet Room.
Delegates will not be able to mingle in the upper Foyer because Arcadia will have its final dress rehearsal and needs quiet.
Boxes of LTG Yearbooks are available to collect and take extra copies if you need them.
For members of The Questors
Delegates will start to arrive from around 18:00 on Friday and 09:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
Delegates will go on guided tours of The Questors Theatre from 09:00 to 09:45 on Saturday and Sunday. All departements will, we hope, be spick and span and ready to for inspection;
On Friday evening, LTG Chairman Jo Matthews and The Questors LTG Rep Anne Gilmour will welcome delegates in the Lower Foyer and direct them to the Grapevine and Shaw Room for the evening meal. They will then move everso quietly through the Upper Foyer into the Emmet Room (final rehearsal of Arcadia) for evening entertainment.
The cast and crew of Arcadia have been briefed about the LTG and the conference;
We will use the notice board on the 'back' stairs for information about the conference.