In addition to Questors Youth Theatre (QYT), we also provide an additional course focused on expanding and enhancing the theatrical skills of young people.

These Masterclasses are available for ages 15-18 (approx. School year 10-13) and open to young people who are interested in learning a new skill, developing their knowledge or simply looking to make new friends. You do not need to have an existing QYT Membership to sign up.

By inviting leading industry experts to deliver varied masterclasses, we aim to encourage and inspire young people to explore all aspects of the theatre entertainment industry. Whether you are looking to pursue a career in theatre or simple pick up a new hobby these masterclasses are a great opportunity to gain more experience.

The year will consist of various master classes in different sections of the theatre world and there will be a minimum of 3 different areas covered each term. The types of master classes we aim to provide are:

  • Set Design
  • Sound Design
  • Acting Through Song
  • Lighting Design
  • Costume Production
  • Stage Combat
  • Physical Theatre
  • Directing for Stage/Screen
  • Puppetry
  • Accent & Dialects
And many more ...

The masterclasses will take place on Sundays at 11am until 1pm at The Questors Theatre, Ealing.


QYT Members
£115 per-term
£315 per year (3 terms) - offer only available from Autumn Term

Non QYT Members     
£130 per-term
£360 per-year (3 terms) - offer only available from Autumn Term
Concessionary rate    
£60 per-term (subject to proof of benefits required)
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The Questors Limited, a charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales no 469253. Registered charity no 207516.
Registered office: 12 Mattock Lane, London W5 5BQ.
Little Theatre Guild Creative Ealing RSC New Stages