Writing Dialogue

Diamond dialogue

Choose a location where two characters, A and B, are having a conversation. The first line of dialogue must have only one word, the second two and so on until you reach ten words.

For example:

A: Wait (1 word)
B: What now? (2 words)
A: I’ve emailed you (3 words)
B: I know. I saw. (4 words)

Once you reach ten words, stop and go back the other way so that each line has one word less. Your final line will have one word to end the conversation. When you are finished you should have 19 lines of dialogue.

For example:

B: I don’t know why you’re bringing this all up again (10 words)
A: Because it’s important! It’s important to me at least (9 words)
B: You never listen, we just go in circles (8 words)

Optional extension

Re-read your scene. If you like the scene then make edits to improve it, ignoring the number of words rule if you wish, to create a finished piece.

Alphabet dialogue

Choose a location where two characters, A and B, are having a conversation. The first line of dialogue must begin with the letter A, the second with B and so on through the alphabet. For more difficult letters (Q, X, Z etc) you may cheat by starting with a word that includes that letter, even if it doesn’t start with it. Each line may contain more than one sentence if you wish.

For example;

A: Are you going to eat all of that?
B: Brilliant, just brilliant. So I can’t even eat a sandwich now without you making remarks about it?
A: Calm down I was just wondering
B: Didn’t you bring anything to …
A: Eat? No.
B: Fine. Have some of this.

Optional extension

Re-read your scene. If you like the scene then make edits to improve it, ignoring the alphabet rule if you wish, to create a finished piece.

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