Creating Characters

In this activity you are going to create two characters; the main character in your story (the protagonist) and the villain (or antagonist).

Take two pieces of paper - use one for your main character and one for the villain.

On the first piece of paper:

  • Write down 5 words to describe your main character
  • What is their favourite thing to do?
  • What are they scared of?
  • What is their greatest dream? (This can be what they try to do in the story).
  • What do they think of the villain?
  • Draw a picture of your main character

  • On the second piece of paper:

  • Write down 5 words to describe your villain
  • What is their favourite thing to do?
  • What are they scared of?
  • Why don’t they like your main character?
  • What do they do that causes problems for them?
  • Draw a picture of your villain

  • On a new piece of paper, write a story about these two characters. If you get stuck then try answering the following questions:

  • What does your main character want? (They should be trying to get this at the start of your story.)
  • What goes wrong? (This will make your story interesting.)
  • What does the villain do that causes problems?
  • What happens at the end of your story? (Is the main character successful?)
  • What happens to the villain?

  • Also in this section:
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